Building Dynamic Websites with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and WordPress REST API

WordPress is renowned for its flexibility and extensibility, making it an ideal platform for building dynamic websites. Two powerful tools that can enhance this capability are Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and the WordPress REST API. By integrating these tools, you can create highly customized and interactive websites tailored to your specific needs. This blog post will delve into how to leverage ACF and the REST API to build dynamic, feature-rich WordPress sites.

Understanding Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) is a WordPress plugin that allows you to add custom fields to your posts, pages, and custom post types. These custom fields enable you to capture and display additional information beyond the default WordPress fields.

Key Features of ACF

  • Custom Field Types: Includes a variety of field types like text, image, file, and relationship fields.
  • Flexible Content: Provides flexible content fields for creating complex layouts and repeating content.
  • Field Groups: Allows grouping of fields to be displayed together on the edit screen.
  • Conditional Logic: Enables showing or hiding fields based on specific conditions.

Getting Started with ACF

  • Install and Activate ACF: Download and activate the ACF plugin from the WordPress repository.
  • Create Field Groups: Navigate to ACF > Field Groups and click “Add New” to create a new field group.
  • Add Fields: Add custom fields to your field group by selecting the desired field types and configuring their settings.
  • Assign Field Groups: Set the location rules to determine where the field group should appear (e.g., posts, pages, custom post types).

Example: Adding a Custom Field for a Portfolio

  • Create a Field Group: Name it “Portfolio Details” and set the location to “Post Type is equal to Portfolio.”
  • Add Fields: Include fields like “Project Image” (Image type), “Project Description” (Text Area type), and “Client Name” (Text type).
  • Display Fields: Use ACF functions in your theme template files to display the custom field values.

<?php if ( have_rows(‘portfolio_details’) ): ?>
<?php while ( have_rows(‘portfolio_details’) ): the_row(); ?>
<h2><?php the_sub_field(‘client_name’); ?></h2>
<img src=”<?php the_sub_field(‘project_image’); ?>” alt=”Project Image”>
<p><?php the_sub_field(‘project_description’); ?></p>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Understanding the WordPress REST API

The WordPress REST API provides a powerful way to interact with your WordPress site programmatically. It allows developers to retrieve, create, update, and delete content using HTTP requests. This makes it possible to build dynamic and interactive applications that communicate with your WordPress backend.

Key Features of the WordPress REST API

  • Endpoint Access: Access different endpoints for posts, pages, custom post types, users, and more.
  • JSON Format: Data is exchanged in JSON format, making it easy to integrate with JavaScript frameworks.
  • Authentication: Supports various authentication methods including OAuth and application passwords.
  • Custom Endpoints: Create custom endpoints to expose additional data or functionality.

Getting Started with the REST API

  • Enable REST API: By default, the REST API is enabled in WordPress. You can access endpoints by appending /wp-json/wp/v2/ to your site’s URL.
  • Retrieve Data: Use GET requests to fetch data from your site. For example, to retrieve posts, use:

GET /wp-json/wp/v2/posts

Create Data: Use POST requests to create new content. Example:

Example: Fetching Posts with JavaScript

.then(response => response.json())
.then(posts => {
posts.forEach(post => {
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching posts:’, error));

Integrating ACF with the REST API

To leverage the full potential of ACF and the REST API, you can expose ACF data through REST API endpoints. This integration allows you to create dynamic front-end applications that interact with custom fields.

Steps to Expose ACF Data via REST API

  • Install and Activate the ACF to REST API Plugin: This plugin extends the REST API to include ACF fields.
  • Retrieve ACF Data: Access ACF fields via REST API endpoints. For example

GET /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/{id}?_acf=true

Example: Displaying ACF Data with JavaScript

.then(response => response.json())
.then(post => {
console.log(‘Project Description:’, post.acf.project_description);
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching ACF data:’, error));

Building a Dynamic Portfolio Site

Combining ACF and the REST API can create a dynamic portfolio site that displays custom project details. Here’s how you can achieve this:

Steps to Build a Dynamic Portfolio

  • Set Up ACF: Create custom fields for portfolio items as described earlier.
  • Create a Custom Post Type: Register a custom post type for your portfolio items.
  • Fetch Portfolio Data: Use the REST API to fetch portfolio data on the front end.
  • Display Data: Use JavaScript to dynamically display portfolio items on your site.

Example Code: Fetch and Display Portfolio Items

.then(response => response.json())
.then(portfolioItems => {
const container = document.getElementById(‘portfolio-container’);
portfolioItems.forEach(item => {
const projectDiv = document.createElement(‘div’);
projectDiv.innerHTML = `
<img src=”${item.acf.project_image.url}” alt=”Project Image”>
.catch(error => console.error(‘Error fetching portfolio items:’, error));


By integrating Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) with the WordPress REST API, you can create highly dynamic and interactive WordPress websites. ACF allows you to add and manage custom content, while the REST API enables you to build powerful, data-driven front-end applications. Together, they offer unparalleled flexibility and control over your site’s content and presentation.

Ready to build a dynamic and interactive WordPress site? Contact us at +91 95 602 919 70 for expert website design and development services. Our team can help you leverage ACF and the REST API to create a customized and engaging website that meets your needs.


Key Takeaways

  • Advanced Custom Fields (ACF): Add and manage custom fields to enhance your WordPress content.
  • WordPress REST API: Interact with your site programmatically for dynamic front-end applications.
  • Integration: Combine ACF and the REST API to expose and utilize custom field data on your site.

For professional assistance with ACF and REST API integration, call +91 95 602 919 70 today! Let us help you create a dynamic WordPress site that stands out and performs exceptionally.

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